Thursday, 7 July 2016

Whirlwind St. John's

St. John's has a Water Street too!  Fancy that. 

There are MANY, MANY pubs. When we arrived Sunday night, they were open and full. 

St. John's sinkhole. 

We missed Arlo by one day!  That's okay, because I saw him at the Vancouver Island Music Festival a few years ago. 
How fitting to see his picture, because I've had his father Woody's wonderful song, This Land is Your Land, in my head every day. I've been singing the awesome Canadian version I learned in about Grade 3 -- "...from Bonavista, to Vancouver Island...."
We didn't get to Bonavista, but we're pretty darn close!!!
P.S. Recall that Peter, Paul & Mary's version of This Land is Your Land is a personal fave


  1. Happy birthday! Will you celebrate with a slice of flipper pie? xxxx lots of love to you!

  2. Happy birthday sunny blogger!! Xo love the updates!!!
