Friday, 15 July 2016

The kittens get scratchy

Caroline and Frances have been patient as the ratio of adult-oriented interests to child-oriented interests is not in their favour. Thankfully, The Algonquin in St. Andrews, NB, has pools and summer temperatures to drive us into the water. 
And a water slide!

Well, it was warm outside, but the pool...not so much!

We walked down the street to the main drag in town (another Water Street) and met someone special on the way. 
Very good for morale. 

The next day started out warm and clear, but before we knew it, this happened:
Thunder to boot. The girls took refuge in the hotel room. Scott and I took fancier refuge. 


Next province: New Brunswick!

We've seen so much lately that I'm having a harder than usual time keeping track of where we've been. I keep wanting to catch up on the blog, but there's so much to see and do that I've created a backlog for myself. 

Never fear; my photos will guide me. 
Annapolis Royal was wicked good. Then onward to BFL in Digby, NS -- Bay Ferries Ltd., to take a 2 hour boat from Digby to St. John, New Brunswick. I couldn't help but do a Venn diagram in my head to compare this ferry with our BC Ferries of comparable size (Langdale boats, I'd say). 
First of all, a ferry terminal is a ferry terminal. 

There were no fun signs on the boat telling us where we were parked. 
G5?!  How will we remember G5?  Why not a humpback whale or a scallop?!

But upstairs, this ferry took fancy to a new level.
Yes, those are airline seats, but they actually have leg room. 

The cafeteria was at par with BC, there was an excellent naturist giving a talk about local whales and dolphins (similar to the Nanaimo and Victoria routes), and there was a university-aged student playing the fiddle in the lounge area, a very nice touch. 

But what about the gift shop? you are wondering. 
It didn't even come close. 
Wasn't even worthy of a photo. 
They're missing the boat with that one. 

Thursday, 14 July 2016


We're at The Inn at Bay Fortune in PEI. I have writer's block because SCOTT AND I JUST MET AND HAD A LOVELY CHAT WITH CHEF MICHAEL SMITH, and now I'm too excited to compose. 

The license plates

I love seeing license plates from elsewhere. We used to look for them as a family when I was growing up. On the east coast, you see different ones from what we're used to in BC. 

Maritime real estate: Vancouverites, take a deep breath

FYI, I swear Vancouver real estate went  up over the three weeks we were away. Meanwhile, in St. John's...

And St. Andrews -by-the-sea...

And around PEI...

Real estate is so twisted here. But everyone there says the winters are harsh.   
Dang.  Summers are incredibly great. 

Girth growth

Totally worth every bite.