We've seen so much lately that I'm having a harder than usual time keeping track of where we've been. I keep wanting to catch up on the blog, but there's so much to see and do that I've created a backlog for myself.
Never fear; my photos will guide me.
Annapolis Royal was wicked good. Then onward to BFL in Digby, NS -- Bay Ferries Ltd., to take a 2 hour boat from Digby to St. John, New Brunswick. I couldn't help but do a Venn diagram in my head to compare this ferry with our BC Ferries of comparable size (Langdale boats, I'd say).
First of all, a ferry terminal is a ferry terminal.
There were no fun signs on the boat telling us where we were parked.
G5?! How will we remember G5? Why not a humpback whale or a scallop?!
But upstairs, this ferry took fancy to a new level.
Yes, those are airline seats, but they actually have leg room.
The cafeteria was at par with BC, there was an excellent naturist giving a talk about local whales and dolphins (similar to the Nanaimo and Victoria routes), and there was a university-aged student playing the fiddle in the lounge area, a very nice touch.
But what about the gift shop? you are wondering.
It didn't even come close.
Wasn't even worthy of a photo.
They're missing the boat with that one.