Home two weeks and still wish we were there. The hardest adjustment upon our return hasn't been the jet lag; it's the resumption of adequate fruit and veggie intake.
It's time to wrap up this wonderful trip and our beloved blog with a list. Therefore,
Top Ten Things About the U.K.:
2. Scottish strawberries. Tiny and sweet. Who knew the climate could grow them? Grocery stores Tesco and Sainsbury's sell them with the grower's name and location on the package.
3. Gorgeous expanses of land.
4. Copious sheep and cows. Shock of shocks: no photos!!!
5. Cream for tea and coffee. The lightest we found had 15% milk fat. Helped give us energy to walk, I swear; we feel so slow without it.
6. Fun, different architecture. Being a history buff, I love how very old most structures in Britain are. There's so much character. It made me see Vancouver as a giant strip mall.
7. Traffic lights: when they're red, they turn yellow before they turn green. It's very helpful.
8. The tea, because it just tastes better (even if you just put good old milk in it).
9. 220 volt power. POWER! Kettles boil in mere seconds, I swear. And the water is hot.
10. British tans. We blended in with the indigenous folk during the summer months.
Stay tuned for concluding thoughts.