Sunday, 3 July 2016

Something for Everyone

One of our family mottos is 'Something for Everyone'. Some of us get a major kick out of room service, so we started Saturday July 2 with that. 

Then we were off to Calypso Water Park, about 30 minute outside of Ottawa. Guess whose pick?
The girls are climbing the first of many flights. 

After they got their feet wet in the first two slides, they did this one, the Zoomerang. You go zooming down the blue slide on the left, flying up the big blue and orange slide, then down to the exit pool.  Rapido!

Imagine water slides where the inflatables have to go up by conveyor belt. No thanks!  But my Triumvirate of Bravery went for it:

Scott and Frances tackled the Boomerang, Zoomerang's big sister. 
No thanks!

There was plenty more. I even entered the human soup a couple of times.  (That required a bit of insulin pump finagling, a dodgy enterprise when everything's wet.)

Scott and Caroline capped off the day in the wave pool.  Frances and I leisured.
I can see why Calypso is so popular. It is a really refreshing way to beat the heat, and there truly is something for everyone. 


  1. love
    the room service
    true decadence

  2. For our grandson there was nothing as important in his grade six year as the Cultuz Lake Waterslides......wonderful to witness as a grandparent instead of a teacher

    he'd be drooling abut Calypso
    while I'd be joining Frances
    altho our drink choices might be different
