Monday 3 August 2015

Unplanned excitement

started feeling grim yesterday around 1:00, and by 3:00 I was REALLY grim. I'll spare you the details, but suffice to say I ended up in York Hospital with DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis). It means really high blood sugar and really high ketones, and it's a nasty gig. I came in the middle of the night here, so I've been over 12 hours. The care has been exceptional. They're still bringing my bs down, and they won't let me out till I'm free of ketones. I'm getting there. Dear Scott and girls have been amazing sports, taking care of changing our train and flat reservations for York while being worried and exhausted.
You can tell we're in England because they spelled Monroe wrong. 

Now, where did this font come from?! 


  1. Hope u r better fast. Take care.

    J & K

  2. Haven't kept up with the blog this long weekend- yikes! I better keep on it!!! Lots of Hugs!!!❤️

  3. Happy that the NHS is taking good care of you; very sorry you've had to put it to the test! Love and hugs to all of you

  4. And that's from both us here on Bowen xxxxxxx

  5. Yikes indeed...and that's not just for the "Monroe" spelling. We're sending you tons of love and good vibes. Get on out of there and on to London! And three cheers for your support team.


  6. soldier on brave gal!
